Slave Rescue
The inspiration for this scenario was taken from a scenario card from GDW's Twilight:2000. The setting is after a nuclear war on earth. Slavery, although still hated, has become common again and cruel, enterprising marauders sometimes capture small villiages and carry off the inhabitants to be sold to rich landlords.
This scenario would fit well with a GM running the slavers and giving two other players control of a team.
- Fire Team Alpha (141pts)
- 1 Veteran w/ Kevlar Vest and Combat Shotgun (m 2)
- 1 Regular w/ Kevlar Vest and Assault Rifle (m 2)
- Fire Team Bravo (140pts)
- 1 Regular w/ Kevlar Vest and Assault Rifle (m 2)
- 1 Green w/ Kevlar Vest and Assault Rifle (m 2)
- Slavers (278pts)
- 1 Green Leader w/ heavy pistol (m 2)
- 4 Green w/ shotguns (m 2,2,3,3)
- Slaves
- 8 Untrained Civilians
Slavers have stopped in the middle of a ruined village. The slaves are chained together and held in a fenced in area. The rescue teams are approaching the village from any edge of the board.
The rescue teams must reach the slaves and spend two actions to free the slaves. If the slavers reach a broken morale level or lower they will try to kill the slaves and flee. At that time any slaver that doesn't have a LOS to a rescue team member will start shooting the closest slave. If there is a rescue team member within LOS then the slaver must make a reaction test to ignore the rescue team member and shoot a slave.
Page Created by Jakim Friant, 2000