Destroy an Enemy Airfield
The inspiration for this scenario was taken from GDW's Twilight:2000. The setting is during a nuclear war on earth. The Security squad is guarding an Army airfield in the rear echelon area. A Spetznaz team has infiltrated with orders to take out any aircraft found there and to destroy the fuel dump.
- Spetznaz Team (405 pts)
- 1 Sniper w/ Kevlar Vest, Sniper Rifle, and 1 Hand Grenade (V 1)
- 1 Demolitions Expert w/ Kevlar Vest, Assault Rifle, 1 Hand Grenade, and Explosives (V 1)
- 1 Demolitions Expert w/ Kevlar Vest, Assault Rifle, 1 Hand Grenade, and Explosives (R 1)
- Airfield Security Squad (406 pts)
- 1 Squad Leader w/ Submachine Gun (R 2)
- 3 Guards w/ Sporting Rifles (G 3)
- 1 Corporal w/ Submachine Gun (G 2)
- 3 Guards w/ Light Pistols (G 3)
There are 1D4 VTOLs present (Apaches or equivalent) at the airfield that located in the center of the table. There should be a group of fuel tanks sitting beside a repair shed that is facing the landing area. The airfield may be fenced in or have minimal earthworks to give the Security squad some cover.
The Guards may be positioned in and around the airfield, but must be within LOS of one other Guard.
The Spetznaz may approach the airfield from any direction and are considered to be moving stealthily (1D4") until spotted. (The Spetznaz player may use 3 counters and 2 dummy counters if desired).
To successfully complete their mission: the Demolitions Expert must spend two actions on each target (VTOLs and Fuel tanks) and make a successful quality roll to place the explosives. Once all explosives are laid, they must make one additional quality roll to detonate them (note: the Security squad does not have enough skill to defuse the bombs).
Special Rules
Guards Movement - the Security guards will not move until a Spetznaz soldier has been spotted for the first time, then they may move normally but they only attack a spotted enemy. (Alternately they may move 1D4" in a random direction until alarm has been raised).
Exploding Fuel Tanks - 1D12 explosion point damage, 2" blast radius. (Optional: characters hit by the explosion receive a 1D8 attack each turn for the next two turns to represent being on fire and must make a reaction test to perform any actions).
Exploding VTOLs - the bombs planted on the VTOLs are considered to only destroy vital control components and so do not cause any major explosions.
Page Created by Jakim Friant, 2000